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Dungeon Generation Taverns and Lodging Beings and Bargains Worldbuilding and Effects Travel and Weather Legendary Items Class Specific Items Setting Specific Items Books and Trinkets NPC Items and Pickpocket Loot Misc Items Injury, Disease, Curses, and Madness Local Events Long Rests Encounters Roleplaying Character Building NPC Building Magic Stuff Other

Dungeon Generation

A Dungeon Door

This is an very large Adamantine vault door with 128 small alphanumeric dials made of polished brass and adamantine, with functional clockwork inlay and etching, clearly influenced by Modron aesthetics. A sufficiently random, arbitrary sequence of prime numbers in hexatridecimal is required to open the door. It is magically enchanted to use the spell 'SENDING' up to 5 times per day to say cutting, vulgar, mean, and highly insulting things at you until you discover a sequence that will open it. According to records, it has never repeated an insult, and it seems almost malevolently intelligent, and once you try to open it will never forget and never cease messaging until you solve its puzzle, or die trying.

A Dungeon Room

A huge stewpot hangs from a thick iron tripod over a crackling fire in the center of this chamber. A hole in the ceiling allows some of the smoke from the fire to escape, but much of it expands across the ceiling and rolls down to fill the room in a dark fog. Other details are difficult to make out, but some creature must be nearby, because it smells like a good soup is cooking.

Dungeon Graffiti

Stick to the center halls. Theyre safer.


In memory of Ulduin. He was one crazy son of a bitch.

Taverns and Lodging

The Tavern Keeper

Kareem Sandjabar - A mage who runs the tavern liberal use of mage hand, unseen servant, summons, and other magical means. Keeps a pet mimic named Boorf in the tavern that likes to prank people by turning into mugs and foot stools. Will pay handsomely for self-washing dishes because he cant stand the way his minions clean them.

A Drunken Boast

I walked through the barrier from a Cube of Force.

An Inn Patron

A middle aged man and his wife. Will hustle her out of the bar at the first sign of trouble, impropriety or bad language muttering grossly. She seems supremely unconcerned (or even interested in anything salacious!).

A Bard Sings

The Wizard and the Wren - A childrens song about a wizard who built a wooden town taller than any in the land that was undone by a wren who needed twigs to build its nest.

A Tale From An Old Adventurer

Fundamental rule of adventuring my friend: always, always, always make sure your potions havent expired. Knew this elf that left a potion of animal friendship in his backpack for a wee bit too long. We were trying to get past some wolves at the mouth of a cave, and he remembered this potion. Well the wolves became friendly. A little too friendly if you get my drift. That poor elf, he had creatures coming at him from all directions. Spent the next few hours running around trying to avoid the attention of bears and bats and birds. Let that be a lesson to you all: test before you taste

The Local Drink

Red Fez: A heady palm wine brewed in the desert regions.

Tavern Food

You lot mustve seen that giant pile of crates out front. SOMEBODY (yelling toward the back) accidentally order 10000 ears of corn instead of our usual 100. So, were running specials on corn, cornmeal, cornbread, cream corn, and other corn dishes.

Baked Goods

Fairys heart, a pastry twisted into the shape of a heart, with a (magically?) glistening jam centre.

Meal Made From Monster Parts

Fried Roc Wings: Once you have your Roc wings, butcher them into pieces around the size of a chickens wing and lay aside, mix together flour, spices, salt and pepper before carefully coating the Roc meat and frying, be sure that the Roc is cooked through, Roc wings are tough and must be cooked well.

Tavern Encounter

An old man challenges you to a game of wizard’s chess. The wooden pieces are enchanted, gesturing and shouting as they fight, though you can’t make out what they say. It is fascinating to watch. The man promises who can win from him will win the chess set, though if you lose, it will not be easy to stop playing. He offers no further explanation. (If you lose, you become a chess piece, trapped in the game).

No Tavern But A Colorful Host

An old Dragonborn mercenary who frequently lapses into a thousand-yard-stare. While not tormented by nightmares, hes a good-humored guy with quite a few tips on adventuring.

Beings and Bargains

A Deity

Tala, The Zephyr, Goddess of Messengers, Passage, and Language. She is depicted as a woman with long curly brown hair, sun kissed skin, a white tunic with pieces of armor around it, and winged boots. She brings messages all over the planes and multiverse. She also guides certain souls to certain afterlives, and its all thought that she taught the people of the world how to speak.

An Angel

Limennora - The guardian of children and protector of innocence. From the night beast to the drunken father, she defends children from all threats they shouldnt have to face.

A Ghost With Unfinished Business

Finish climbing that damn mountain that killed them.

A Demonic Physical Trait

This demon has curved horns coming off the sides of it's head. They come to an almost complete circle.

Evil Contract Asking Price

You must abduct a suitable wife for the devil, who will take her to the underworld (a bit like Hades and Persephone).

A Demon Lord

AZUVIDEXUS - The Ravenous Maw: Azuvidexus is concerned with primeval beasts and scaled nightmares, and Azuvidexus controls the domain of Ngharl.

A Familiar Or Pet

A giant slug. It has a movement of 10 feet. It regenerates hit points at an extremely fast rate. It can be placed on any kind of surface for an hour (except for salt) and gain resistance to attacks of that element by absorbing some of it. It also has a ranged acid attack, that can corrode metal slowly.

A Fey Bargain Cost

Every day, your eyes, change their color.

A Boon From Magical Water

The water sizzles and is mildly acidic. You are resistant to acid damage.

Worldbuilding and Effects

Secret Societies

A guilds of artists. They do tattoos mostly. Their secret isn’t that evil. They always offer tattoo songbirds to the hands of any travelers for free. They believe that the songbirds let the people get into heaven. And knowing no one would take the offer that way they trick people into getting them saying that the tattoos are a promotional gimmick.

Marks of Darkness

A natural aura of darkness follows you. People always (mysteriously) find themselves standing in your shadow, a cloud passes over the sun/moon, or another person/object blocks the nearest light source when you get close.

Fantasy Drugs and Their Effects

Styxroot: A root that grows on the margins of the river Styx in the Seven Hells. Eating it raw or making tea out of it makes the individual unable to remember anything that happens to them for the next 8 hours. A constitution saving throw of 12 lowers it to 6 hours, 15 to 4 hours, 18 to 1 hour, or 20 to completely ignore the effect.

Random Potion Effects

You get flight movement equal to your walking movement, until you get 100ft high.

Travel and Weather

Forest Locations

An enormous pit trap into which you might stumble. Can you escape before whoever set it - or whatever they set it to catch - returns? Or perhaps turn the sprung trap into an ambush for the hunters?

Art Along The Path

The trail has become a stone hopscotch board.

A Ship Name

The Midnight Sun

Sailing Conditions

Incredibly cold and slightly snowy, poor visibility

A Sailing Event

Off in the distance, a sunburned, unclean, lone figure on a lifeboat shoots off a flare, and desperately cries for help. The figure is an arrogant cleric, surviving off of magically created food and water. This person is doing fairly well, all things considered. If rescued and delivered to their temple, this cleric will give the party a small favor, but will consider the party a small part in the cleric’s survival.

Flight Conditions

Hail begins to fall. Ranging from light, medium, heavy: Light: no damage, distracting: disadvantage on perception, insight and investigation rolls if not under cover. Medium: 1d2 bludgeoning damage every round not under cover, Distracting: same as above Heavy: 1d6 bludgeoning damage every round not under cover, Distracting: Same as above.

Magic Weather and Storms

Lawful Sun: The sun glows blue instead of yellow today. Lawful creatures in direct sunlight gain a bonus to all skill checks. Chaotic creatures in direct sunlight take a penalty to all skill checks. The bonus/penalty does not apply if the creature is in shade.

Shadowfell Side Effects

You see shadowy figures that arent there in mirrors, glass, and other reflective surfaces.

Legendary Items

Artifacts of Great Power

Book of Babel: A small book that can be turned into a medium-sized portal. When you enter you go to the Library of Babel, a nearly infinite library with every book that has been written and will be written. All combinations of letters on pages can be found within the uncountable shelves. You have to come back to where you entered the library to leave. Destroyed by: The book can only be destroyed with the most powerful fire spell in the current world.

Class Specific Items

Paladin Items

Mantle of the Mountain - Very Rare - when a creature in the attuned paladins aura takes damage, that damage is reduced by an amount equal to half the paladins level.

Rogue Items

The Titan in the Shadow - A crown made of Ebony tipped with shards of obsidian. When attuned, the user can whisper its command word to grow one size (as they would under the effects of the enlarge spell) and become cloaked in shadows. While they are in this state, they can use the hide action to blend into the shadows cast by any object larger than they are (such as a building or a tree).

Druid Items

A small figurine of a curled up baby with an earth elemental like face carved of stone. If the figurine is planted in a druids grove and many long, extensive rituals are performed on it, a galeb duhr forms. This galeb duhr will become the guardian of the grove.

Bard Items

A didgeridoo. Spiraling around its length is an epic saga of a great war from history, but key details are false including the victors.

Setting Specific Items

Aquatic Items

Sword of Triton: A pirate sword with a pommel made from a large, blue gem. The wielder may control a sea-faring vessel they stand on from any point as if they were at its helm (i.e. steer the wheel of a ship from the crows nest.)

Mad Scientist Items

Chalkboard with lots of mathematical formula, diagrams, or observations scrawled on it.

Haunted House Items

A childrens room that is in perfect condition, perfectly spotless, eerily so.

Black Market Items

Seventeen Key Ring- Each key has a 5% chance of opening a lock you find. Once a key has opened something, it will not fit any other lock.

Magic Items With Sentimental Origins

A stein that removes the alcoholic content of any drink poured into it without affecting the taste. Made by a cleric to help drunkards quit the drink.

Books and Trinkets

A Random Book

The Spider King - A fictional tale of an adventurer delving into the underdark to slay a fearsome giant spider.

Mysterious Trinkets

An elaborate fountain pen that turns into a snake and slithered around when not being used.

NPC Items and Pickpocket Loot

NPC Pocket Item

Just a regular silver coin. There is nothing special about it. Nothing, really.

Ogre Pocket Item


Misc Items

Dangerous Gnomish Inventions

The Boomstick: A large club with an opening on the bottom which is filled with explosives and a trigger on the top to make them go off. Just a shame that the club isn’t always sturdy enough to take the explosion, so its recommended the user wears some armor to protect them from surprise shrapnel. Oh, and make sure you can stand your ground, the recoil is terrible.

Cultist Items

Rabbit pelt knife sheath and sacrificial dagger.

Hag Lair Item

A starved and maimed goblin in an iron cage. He rattles the bars rather than react to the visitors. It is clear it went mad long ago.

Arrow Types

Meteor Shower Arrow - A Pure black arrow that marks a target for a meteor shower. Meteors are summoned and take 1 turn to arrive. After 1 turn a shower of massive flaming meteors rain down on the target dealing LOTS of fire and bludgeoning damage. 15 foot radius.


The Iron Mask: requires attunement by a monk. While attuned to and wearing this mask, a creature rolls an additional die for each unarmed strike.

Weapon Runes

Rune of Alliances Might: this weapon gains 1d6 extra damage of the type it would normally deal per person allied with the wielder in 60ft.

Magical Weapon Properties

Breath Stealing: 1d3 times per day, a magic using humanoid struck by this weapon has a 20% chance of spell failure (plus an additional 1% for every 5 points of damage dealt) casting any spell with a verbal component, for the next 1d3 turns. CON save DC 12+Proficiency Bonus negates this effect, the victim may save against this effect at the end of each of their turns.

Recharge Method For Magic Items

As above, but smells more foul the more charges it has, and eats goblin feces.

Injury, Disease, Curses, and Madness

Zero HP Injuries

Your magical energy has drained from you. You now have a -1 to your spell save dc until you can spend >8 hours of meditation in a holy place.


Third Eye Blind - Unable to communicate telepathically, but also unable to be targeted telepathically and is unaffected by any method that would not work on a creature without an intelligence. Recalling images from memory become hazy and unreliable. Penalties to any checks to recall visual information from memory. This disease tends to present itself in those who have been the target of many unwanted telepathic intrusions. Some humanoids are hereditarily predisposed to this disease, and may be afflicted upon after their first telepathic intrusion.


Characters known languages are randomly determined after a long rest. Roll 1d8 per standard language known & 1d8 per exotic language known. You decide whether to exclude common from these rolls or not.


The walls are breathing at the same rate you are.

Insanity Effects

The person grows extremely afraid of gravity. Even a tiny unevenness makes them pee their pants.

Indefinite Madnesses

My vision has gone haywire, and I can only see things on my (roll 1d4, 1-2 left, 3-4 right)

Local Events

Local Fair Activity

There is a beefy half orc chef selling 2gp firewater, an ale that gives +1 strength for 1d8 hours to anyone with a con modifier of +3 or higher.

A Fortune Teller

Greed is a poor man’s compass, and I see gold and riches in your future.

Long Rests

Long Rest Events

A player dreams of eating some delicious chicken, only to be awoken by a chicken sitting on them.

You Wake Up Without



Non Combat Urban Encounters

The central square is hosting a public execution of a corrupt official, deaf to the pleas of his wife that he is innocent.

Social Encounters On The Road

Group of robed monks, carrying a lit censer.

Beach Encounters

The sand in this section of beach is greyish-red, iron-like, magnetically anomalous. Carrying ferrous metal through it can kick up obscuring clouds and rasping sandstorms.

Scary Forest Encounters

Cats appear to be watching the party from the trees. Dozens upon dozens of them. Whenever a member of the party approaches them they run away and can’t be found (may serve as lookouts for a darker force).

Nordic Viking Encounters

A dwarf named Fafnir is running away with an otter skin full of cursed gold, depending on the difficulty you’re after have him slowly turning into a black dragon. At a minimum he’s almost a half dragon.

Desert Encounters

The party sees in the distance a strange looking large boulder. When/if they approach, the can appreciate a huge sculpted hand, either made out of stone or jade or any other material. It may have enemies nesting on it, or traps around it.

Jungle Encounters

You come across the rotting remains of a cart, alongside rusting armor and fetid bones. A tattered and unreadable banner hangs at the front of the procession. The line of bodies, carts and bones stretches almost a mile long through the forest. Nothing of value remains but bones and rot.


Warm Up Roleplaying Questions For Players

What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?

Character Building

Character Background

A warlock finds out theyre not the only user of their patrons magic. Others share the same pact they made with it and now the patron desires them all to find each other and fight to the death. The winner shall be granted the true power the patron split between them/wish/ immortality/ whatever else.

Dwarven Clans

The Kharakbast

Aasimar Traits

Food tastes better around you.

Dwarven Traits

grew up under a desert. As a result, theyre fascinated by ponds and rivers. They like spending their down time by a source of water and can stare at lakes for hours.

Dragonborn Traits

When sleeping, they exhale harmless clouds of smoke from their nostrils.

Unique Elven Traits

They came from the stars, being a race that travels between different worlds (theyre aliens.)

NPC Building

Interesting Boss Mechanics

Boss is a keg golem. Body is mostly full kegs. Some are filled with beer some are wine. Players can target weak points like corks or bungs to drain alcohol and wound the boss. Once limbs and parts are drained can be burned.

Annoying Unhelpful NPCs

An artisan named Gary who created an object the party is investigating. Gary does not exist and was invented by the other artisans as a scapegoat. ”Classic Gary!”

Civilian Warforged

Scrape: works in the docks scraping barnacles from the underside of ships. She has a pet blue-ringed octopus.

Shopkeepers and Merchants

An older human male approximately 60 years old, hulking frame, thick biceps, bald as a bowling ball and wears a gold chain running from earring to nose-ring, nicknamed Bull runs a shop with his wife, a delicate grey-haired human woman of medium height, but thin as a rail and speaking with a raspy voice which tells of her advanced age. In this shop, you can find the finest china service sets and tableware in the province. From platters to plates, from pitchers to spoons, from cups to cutlery, everything you need to put out the best spread is available at Bulls China Shop.

Maximum Security Prisoners

Tee’vah - Tiefling rogue who doesn’t seem too upset to be there. If approached he will happily show off a copy of his wanted poster, listing crimes from arson to murder. Secretly a doppelgänger who is honestly just trying to provide for his family and have some fun. Can break out any time he wants.

Magic Stuff

Unique Magical Services

Divine investment/broker services, diviners who observe and modify markets to get the best results for them and their clients. This business can get rather hairy when different firms or individuals seek opposing results.

Summoning Mishaps

The caster creates a permanent portal directly in front of the thing that they were trying to summon.

Teleportation Mishaps

An ambitious demon takes advantage of the disturbance in space time and appears at the intended destination of the teleport, but otherwise the teleport fails to move anything.

Wild Magic Surges

A small songbird pops into existence in mid-flight 10 feet above the caster. Roll a d20. On a 1, the bird poops and it lands on the caster. On a 20, the bird poops and it lands on the target of the spell.


Detect Thoughts Results

Noble Ball Gossip

The new scullery boy has been found sneaking into the lords study late at night. Hes no doubt a thief, but the lord always sees the best in people, and either doesnt believe it, or is willing to turn a blind eye. Potential Twist: The lord is having an affair with the scullery boy, and is more than happy to let folks think its merely a case of petty thievery.

Riddles and Answers

Men desire me in public, but fear me in private. Answer: Truth.

Murder Mystery Plot Hooks

Your adoptive Mother, who took care of you and your brothers in childhood on orphanage was found dead in the woods with an amulet from one your brothers.

Ridiculous Famous Legends

Stirges - nasty creatures. They have psychic powers, you know, and if you bleed in a cave, theyll develop a taste for you. There aint nowhere safe to hide from them.